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Sold for $5,000 Over Asking!

1 Bedroom, 1 bath co-op on Bronx River Road in Yonkers was on the market for just a few days when we received multiple offers. My clients accepted the highest offer by a buyer sure to pass the co-op board, and we closed recently without any issues.

If you’re following the market you may know that co-op sales are sluggish. Why did this co-op get so much attention? For the following reasons:

The co-op was move-in ready -meaning, all the buyer had to do is bring their furniture and belongings to start living there. The previous owner had the apartment painted and polished the floors.

The apartment also had an updated kitchen with granite counter-tops and a nice looking bathroom.

Finally, photos by an excellent photographer who took the time to capture the beauty of this apartment and my avenues of marketing helped this co-op attract attention.

If you’re selling and would like a complimentary evaluation of your place, feel free to reach out.